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Your $10 Gift Makes a Giant Impact

Donate-HandsTo a man that is hearing impaired, the world can be very solitary. Through OE’s Assistive Technology training, Gary is learning how to use a computer to connect with the local deaf community. In his spare time he enjoys finding deaf comedians that sign!

By giving only $10/month for a year, you can help clients like Gary continue to receive Assistive Technology training.

Donate today! https://secure.qgiv.com/for/?key=oppenterinc

$10/month could buy you 1 movie ticket, 2 Quarter Pounder with cheese meals, or 3 gallons of gas.

Or, you could provide 4 hours of meaningful employment for a client of Opportunity Enterprises.

Lauren is an ambitious, caring woman who loves to earn her own paycheck. By donating $10 a month for a year, you can allow her to work at a job that she finds rewarding and the self pride that goes along with earning her own money.


What can $10/month do for a client of Opportunity Enterprises?

Provide 2 weeks of transportation:

Robert* loves learning to cook, fold his own laundry, and learn about the outdoors every day with his friends at OE’s Renewed Horizons program. His parents both work and are unable to drive him, so without transportation from OE, he wouldn't be able to go. Donating $10 a month can cover the cost of his transportation for two weeks. *name changed

Consider becoming an ELM (enriching lives monthly) donor and pledge $10/month to help clients like Robert.
