You Got to Get In It to Win It

PHSCrestWritten by Michael DePasquale, Assistant Principal

“You got to get in it, to win it.” That quote heard so many times in my life as a student, as a musician, and as a citizen in our community was just a neat play on words. But nothing rings truer when it comes to learning and being successful in all aspects of life.

The most important factor of being successful in school and in life is showing up. A student can reside in the best school district, with the best teachers, and with the best programs but if they are not present to fill the mind with knowledge every day, the chances of being successful drops significantly.

Portage High School began its school year with a very successful week of attendance where 96 percent of enrolled students came to school. Now we can all look at that and realize that it is only one week out of a 36-week school year, but success starts hourly, daily, weekly, and then ultimately over a lifetime.

The beauty we admire known as the Grand Canyon was not created in one day, but over millions of years slowly formed by drop after drop of water. A student must remind themselves that success is not created overnight and must come from persistence every day towards an obtainable goal.

A survey conducted by the Get Schooled Foundation found that students attending school want to be encouraged to attend school by, “somebody they feel a personal connection with.” In that very same survey, 78 percent of all students asked, stated that personal connection is most important when it comes from a parent or guardian. This statistic is so profound, due to the very nature that parents always question whether their children are truly listening.

The fact is they do when the message comes from someone they trust and feel close to. That is why it is important that parents and guardians throughout our district make getting their child to school a priority and explain the importance of being there.

The school district is focusing on P.E.A.K., Portage Elevates Assets in Kids an initiative that looks at the recognized 40 developmental assets or positive experiences that helps students live healthy and successful lives. Two of the 40 assets addresses the “in it, to win it,” spirit. The first, school engagement, states it is important that a student is actively engaged in learning. To be actively engaged, a student needs to be at school in all of their classes each and every day. The second, parent involvement with school, directly relates to parents taking a vested interest in all aspects of a student’s schooling including attendance. It is important for parents to check the student/parent portal, an online way to check on grades and attendance. Parents and students have the ability to receive regular feedback on a student’s progress.

Portage Township Schools celebrates every success and feels confident that every day we are making positive strides towards improving the quality of education, which will improve the quality of life for its students. But, we are never satisfied with yesterday’s outcomes as we are always looking towards the future, your child’s future. That is why “You got to get in it, to win it.”