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YMCA Y-Care Collecting Pennies for Pooches

Pennies-for-Pooches-1On November 1, 2011 the Portage Township YMCA's before and after school Y-Care program started collecting "Pennies for Pooches". Program participants and parents are encouraged to bring in spare change as a donation.

This program will provide food for dogs and bleach to clean out the cages at the Porter County Animal Shelter. Clean cages help prevent the spread of Parvo Disease in dogs. The drive will run through December 9.

The group believes they've collected around $300 between the two sites. We will soon see!

Pennies-for-Pooches-2The Y has 2 Y-Care sites, Aylesworth Elementary and Jones Elementary Schools participating in the drive. These sites participate in several service learning projects a year.