Who Loves You Baby?

If you are connected with the media in any way, whether you just happen to pass by a magazine stand, you are bound to notice news about celebrity marriages. Every day we are bombarded with these stories of rocky celebrity marriages, stories of couples not staying true to their vows and abandoning the relationship at the first sign of trouble. These stories often give marriage a negative appearance and overshadow the many successful marriages.

Christine Hisick, of Banta Feeds, suggested via Facebook that somebody ought to feature marriages that work and the people that work hard to make them succeed. Thus, our first edition of “Who Loves You Baby?”

Here are a handful of people that responded to that post and we welcome your story to be added as well, along with any photos you’d like to submit of you and your significant other enjoying the sweet moments that make a relationship great. We find these stories refreshing and hope you do too!


Amy Gleason Austin - "We're not in Valpo anymore - but we're both natives. My husband walked to the pharmacy in a blizzard (literally) 3 years ago to get medicine for my daughter. It's about a mile each way. The snow was really deep - both of our cars were stuck. I like this idea a lot. Marriage IS hard work, sometimes, but it's worth it!"

Donna Schmidt Flanagin- “Married my high school sweetheart 37 years ago. Still married, two children, 3+ grandchildren. Not always smooth but seems to get easier the older we get. Guess because the small stuff doesn’t matter anymore."

David Lindgren- “I’ve known my wife since kindergarten. We dated each other in high school (each of us never dated anyone else), got married 27 years ago, and have 4 beautiful daughters. And, we’ve been business partners for the last 7 years. Am I missing something?”

Josh McChristian- “I agree. Relationships are hard sometimes, and it takes a lot of love and sacrifice to make them work. It’s especially hard when a relationship is interfered by other people who aren’t a part of it. I like to live by the mantra that are rare exceptions when a marriage just can’t work out, but too often people just give up and stop fighting for the things that will truly make them happy. I don’t want to ever lose sight of the importance my wife and daughters have in bringing joy to my life. I can only hope and pray that Tiger Woods and his wife find joy and happiness in their lives. Especially since there are two little children involved.”