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Who Am I and How Did I Get Here?

So, I get an email asking me to write a blog about who I am and why I’m here. (I’m guessing they aren’t requesting my reason for being and existing on this planet but rather why I am part of this thing called ValpoLife and PortageLife.) So that part of the request has been figured out, but then there’s this “blog” thing. I’ve read blogs, never written one, but I used to keep a diary in 2nd grade; does that count? So, I will channel my inner child and hope that youthful creativity begins to flow.

Well, if you missed the little blurb under the title with the author’s name, I’m Robyn Walsworth. I’ve been in Valpo a long time. I used to say when I graduate high school was leaving this town. Then I said when I graduate college, I’m leaving. Well, 15 years after graduating college, I got married, built a home, had two children, and I’m still here and couldn’t be happier!

My husband Jeff, is a captain at the Valparaiso Fire Department, and our children, Emily (8) and Caden (7) are finishing up 2nd and 1st grade at Victory Christian Academy next week. We are members of Calvary Church in Valparaiso. My background is sales, from selling cars and steel, to siding and pharmaceuticals. I love selling (really I just love talking to people.) In my spare time I love taking natural light portraits, and planning social gatherings, and family stacycations.

I truly love Valparaiso and the surrounding communities, which obviously includes Portage.
robyn We are so lucky that the two largest communities in our county have so much to offer. Almost anything we need is right outside our front door. Anything we want to do is either in our community or a short drive away. I also love the people in this area; they are friendly to others, generous in donating time and money to causes, and loyal to the businesses and organizations in the area.

I am often teased because of my passion for what I like, be it where I shop and eat, where I live, or what cool activates my family participates in. My friends tell me I’m their local Google, and they use what they call RPS (Robyn Positioning System) to find out when and where they are supposed to be. I’m always telling everyone I come across about how great an event was or how awesome an appetizer was, or about a great deal I found at a local business.

Then ,about a year ago, I see all these green signs “ValpoLife.com: Where Life and Valpo Connect” and of course I had to go straight home and log on.

After clicking through the wealth of information I start telling my friends about ValpoLife, eventually I follow them on Twitter, and Facebook, and become a free member of their website. My mind is about to explode with all the additional information they provide for me and I was so happy to be able to find it all in one place. My friends still use the site, but call me as well, but I have had to give all the credit to ValpoLife and PortageLife for my recent wealth of knowledge.

So, you might see where this is going, they needed a loud mouth, passionate person to help spread good news about good people, and good businesses. I was looking for another outlet to share my passion. I kept crossing paths with these cool ValpoLife/PortageLife people and one day we finally collided, and here I am.

I look forward to telling people about your community events and your businesses. Give us a call and you will be amazed what this amazing team can do for YOU!