When May Crider Gunn, former Lindenwood
Events Coordinator, recalls her 18-year
ministry with the Poor Handmaids, she’s
alternately wistful and ebullient. “The Sisters
taught me so much about gratitude,” she said. “I
miss being in contact with their daily gratitude.”
That said, she’s let nary a blade of grass grow
under her feet since retiring three years ago this
Retirement has “worked out the way I thought,”
noted May. “When you’re ready, you’ve got
ideas.” An avid golfer, May’s been working on
her golf game, even during the pandemic.
“I still can’t putt, but I have fun, and that’s
what’s important.” She’s also filled her days
with numerous volunteer endeavors, including
expanding the golf league she manages. One
recent addition is The Center at Donaldson’s
Transportation Manager Heather Gierlowski.