On March 30, members of the Valparaiso University Volleyball team conducted a clinic for Portage Boys & Girls Club members. Members learned fundamental volleyball skills such as hitting, setting, and the importance of teamwork.
Pictured after the clinic are (left to right):
Kneeling: Vaneshca Rivera, Samantha Rivera, Karina Rivera, Ammon Walton, and Maxine Spencer
Standing: Savannah Herron, Kyle Jackson, Summer Vardaman, Brittany Sederburg, and Tatyana Schmitt
and VU players: Mary Dent, Katie Layman, Katie Britton, Amy Groesbeck, Jenny Pokorny, Taylor Root, Tara Deibler, and Ann Balsis
For more information about the programs offered at the Portage Boys & Girls Club tour the Club at 5895 Evergreen Avenue, call 762-4613 or visit www.bgcpoco.org.