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Volunteer Tax Preparers Sought for IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program

unitedway_portercountyOpportunities are now available for volunteers to assist elderly and low-to-moderate income residents by becoming an official volunteer tax preparer through the IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program.

A no-obligation informational coffee to learn about the program has been scheduled for 9 am at the United Way office, 951 Eastport Centre Dr., Monday, December 5. This coffee will briefly outline the VITA program which provides free tax return preparation assistance to low-to-moderate income taxpayers, seniors, people with disabilities and non-English speakers. Due to limited space an RSVP is required to (219)464-3583.

Here are five things you need to know about becoming a VITA volunteer:

  1. No previous experience is required. Volunteers receive specialized training from VITA volunteers and can serve as greeters, reviewers or tax preparers.
  2. IRS provides free tax law training, e-file training and all the materials needed to prepare basic individual income tax returns.
  3. The hours are flexible. Volunteers are asked to serve an average of three to four hours per week from mid-January through the tax deadline which is April 17, 2012.
  4. Volunteer site in Porter County is at the United Way offices, across from the Valparaiso Ivy Tech campus.
  5. Returns are prepared on supplied computers using web-based software supplied by the IRS.