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Vocational Horticulture Students Hosting Plant Sale

PansyHigh School Vocational Horticulture students from throughout Porter County invite you to patronize their plant sale. The sale will be held at the Morgan Township School Greenhouse, located next to Morgan Township School, 299 South State Road 49 in Valparaiso. Price is $10 per flat (48 plants per flat) which can be mixed and matched. Plant Sale hours are April 30-May 3, 2012, 12-1:30 PM.


Many varieties of plants are available, including:

  • Flowers -- Dianthus, Snapdragons, Vinca, Gazania, Pansy
  • Vegetables -- Big Boy and Better Boy tomatoes

Various house plants are also available, at a price ranging from $1-$5.

Call Mrs. Sutherlin for more information, 219-462-5883, extension 3314.