“In light of the continuing discussions in Congress regarding reductions in Medicare reimbursement, advancements in disease management and ever-evolving technology, we are working to create our own future,” says Visiting Nurse Association President and CEO Kathleen Holycross. “We are strategically planning to ensure patients continue to receive the highest quality of compassionate care the VNA has provided to the community for more than 40 years.”
The VNA of Porter County has proactively evaluated the organization’s operations and taken a close look at potential impacts of the various proposals before Congress. “The VNA is ideally positioned to meet the challenges ahead, and we are tapping into the expertise and creativity of our compassionate and dedicated staff to identify every opportunity to better serve our patients through the advancements in technology and disease management,” explains Holycross.
For example, the VNA is moving forward to fully implement an electronic medical record for patients, helping to better streamline internal operations and positioning itself for the future when all healthcare providers involved in a patient’s care, from physician to hospital to homecare and hospice nurse are able to readily exchange information and make certain the patient achieves the best possible outcome.
“We’re embarking on a strategic planning process that will carry us into the future with a better grasp of the needs of the community and the challenges ahead in order to pioneer innovations that will build upon the traditional strengths of the VNA. It’s no secret we all want to stay safe and independent, in our own homes, for as long as possible. And when we reach the end of life, we want to spend our final days with dignity and in comfort, surrounded by our loved ones. Our goal is to make sure the VNA is always here to help,” says Holycross. “We invented homecare and hospice in Porter County and we will continue to pioneer excellence far into the future.”
The VNA of Porter County is a nonprofit home health care agency serving Porter County and contiguous portions of Lake, LaPorte, Stark and Jasper counties. Services provided include skilled nursing; physical, occupational and speech therapy; home health aides; social services, telehealth, home and inpatient hospice care and bereavement programs. The VNA also provides assistive care, including Meals on Wheels, Homemaker/Companion Care and Lifeline, as well as grief support for children and their families at the VNA Phoenix Center.
For more information about the VNA and programs and services offered, call the VNA at (219) 462-5195 or visit the VNA’s website at www.VNAportercounty.org.