Home»Community»Serving»VNA Meals on Wheels Needs Volunteers in 2014

VNA Meals on Wheels Needs Volunteers in 2014

VNA_Meals_on_Wheels_needs_volunteersThe Visiting Nurse Association Meals on Wheels Program needs volunteers to help deliver meals in communities in Porter County. "If you have an hour or so between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., once a week or once or twice a month, we'd love to talk to you," says Alyse Kominakis, VNA Support Services Coordinator.

Anyone who is looking for something worthwhile to do in the line of community service and who has a valid driver's license is welcome to become a VNA Meals on Wheels volunteer driver. Volunteers may be bankers, truck-drivers, homemakers, retirees, teachers, lawyers, students, you name it! They represent all ages, from great-grandparents to our littlest "volunteers" --pre-schoolers who share meal deliveries with their parents and learn the all-important lesson of caring at an early age. Some volunteers are able to give their time on a daily basis; others share a few hours weekly or monthly as their schedules allow.

Local businesses and community organizations can also volunteer. Kominakis says, "We have a number of churches, businesses and organizations who have 'adopted' a route, with employees or members taking turns delivering meals during their lunch hour. It's a wonderful opportunity to really make a difference in the lives of the elderly and disabled in our community."

VNA Meals on Wheels has provided nutritional hot lunches to Porter County residents since 1977. A large percentage of Meals on Wheels clients are senior citizens. Many of them would be unable to continue to live at home without the service. According to Kominakis, clients look forward to this daily visit because that noontime knock on the door means more than just a tasty meal--it means that someone cares. And it is also reassuring for their families to know someone is checking in on them during the day.

Irene Moore, VNA Meals on Wheels coordinator for Portage says, "We sure could use a few more volunteers, especially for our Portage routes. Without enough volunteers to deliver the meals, the program can't happen." She would be "ever so grateful if people could volunteer for even two days a month. That would really help a lot," she says.

For more information on how to become a VNA Meals on Wheels volunteer, contact the VNA at 462-5195.