The Portage Exchange Club welcomed VFW Commander Rex Lewis as its guest speaker on February 6. Lewis has served 15 years (not continuous) as Post Commander of Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 9323 located at 2750 Central Avenue in Lake Station. He was 1st District Commander in 1994-95 and State Commander of Indiana in 2002-03. His brother, Warren Lewis of the Exchange Club, is now serving as Rex’s Quartermaster.
Lewis told the club that the VFW was formed in 1899 by Spanish-American War veterans who wanted a voice in Washington to help veterans. A person can become a member by using his or her DD214--discharge papers--to show that he or she served in a foreign war.
In 1921, the VFW established a home in Michigan, the National Home for Children, which eventually became a home for widows and orphans of veterans who need help and support.
Also in 1921, the VFW Ladies Auxiliary was formed. This is a way that spouses of servicemen can participate in their many programs. Women who have served in the military in foreign wars are actual members of the VFW, not the Ladies Auxiliary.
Lewis talked about the youth programs sponsored by the VFW. The Voice of Democracy is an essay scholarship competition open to students in grades 9 – 12. This program has been part of the VFW since 1947 and several Portage Exchangites said they had participated when they are in high school. For middle school aged students, they have the Patriot’s Pen competition.
“It’s amazing the thoughts coming out of the kids today,” Lewis said. “I’ve heard some fantastic speeches over the years.”
Other VFW programs include bingo, fish fries, and funerals for deceased members. The biggest service that the organization provides is support for veterans in all aspects of their lives.
“It’s a big shot in the arm for us to be together as a family,” Lewis said. “We understand what the others are going through, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, because we’ve been there together, we’ve experienced it.”