“Making Paradise,” an innovative documentary taking place in Valparaiso, Ind., has been nominated for Best Documentary Film at the 2017 Prince of Prestige Academy Awards. A total of five films have been nominated for the award. Judging is comprised of a committee of individuals from the art community, including film makers, actors and professors.
The film captures the five-year saga of seven friends that dared to make a documentary about Valparaiso. The culture of the city, the historic downtown area and the process of making a film are featured throughout the documentary. The film follows the drama as the group set out to make a film. But what they discover was far bigger than a documentary; what started as a documentary, ends as a love story.
“It took a lot of passion, creativity and the right mix of talent to make this film come together,” said Jim Janesheski, one of the seven filmmakers from the project. “We set out to make a film, and we discovered paradise.”
The documentary follows the drama of a group determined to make a film. “Making Paradise” was made independently without the financial support of any special interest groups.
The award for Best Documentary Film is judged based on the directing, story, music composing, writing, editing and other efforts put forth within the project. The film is in the final stages of judging for the award, and will be reviewed by a three member group. Winners will be announced on July 30.
The purpose of the Prince of Prestige Academy Awards competition is to reward outstanding creative projects. The full list of nominees for this year's Best in Class awards can be found at www.popfilmaward.com/2017-paeca-nominations. Learn more about “Making Paradise” at www.makingparadise.com.