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Urban Teaching Fellowship in Indianapolis/Northwest Indiana

Indianapolis-Teaching-FellowIndianapolis Teaching Fellows is accepting applications through April 16th for candidates to become certified teachers in math, science, Spanish and special education (English, Social Studies, elementary) in Indianapolis and Northwest Indiana.

  • ITF is a teacher training and certification program aimed at recruiting and retaining highly-qualified and effective educators in some of the hardest-to-staff content areas and schools in Indianapolis and Northwest Indiana
  • An initiative of The New Teacher Project, ITF's program is designed for career changers and recent college grads who have limited experience in education.
  • Fellows are employed full-time – earning salary and benefits – in one of our partner schools in and complete licensing coursework during evenings and weekends over two years to earn a subsidized M.A. in Teaching and Initial Practitioner's License.

Interview spots are very limited so apply ASAP at www.IndianapolisTeachingFellows.org.