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Tri Kappa Fundraiser to Benefit Charities

tri-kappaThe Portage Zeta Mu Chapter of Tri Kappa will be hosting our annual fundraiser for Portage charities and scholarships. This is a great way to show support and network with other women in the community! Tickets are $35 per person; all proceeds from the event goes directly to Portage charities.

If you cannot attend but want to donate, contact Shellie Kramer at shelliekramer@frontier.com. The Tri Kappas are also accepting $25 business card donations for our Ad book.

Get a table of coworkers, have a friends and neighbors day out, treat your mom or grandmother, do something for yourself that will also benefit the Portage community.

There are many Tri Kappas in the Portage area; if you do not know one to contact for tickets, contact Shellie!