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Top 10 PortageLife Community Articles of 2015

Top 10 PortageLife Community Articles of 2015

Generosity and selflessness run rampant in the region, and we're happy to let it. This year has seen so many great people, businesses, and groups doing great things; for no reason other than to help their communities flourish.

There were a lot to choose from, but we were able to find the Top 10 Community articles that we and our readers loved. Want to experience multiple feel-good moments? Read on to see the Top 10 PortageLife Community Articles of 2015.

It you have a good story to share, send an email to share@portagelife.com and we’ll be on it!


Portage Township YMCA Sees a Life Saved
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There are some things in life that happen and make you question the validity of the idea of “coincidence”. If you believe in a higher power, you might think that someone up above has a hand in life’s goings-on’s and this puts the right people in the right place at the right time.

Jeff Ford, a 45-year-old family man was working out at the Portage Township YMCA on a recent Sunday. Ford has been a member for about two years and he is often seen at the Y. That day he was running a 5k on the treadmill like he normally did. About two and a half miles in he stops to take a drink of water.


Local Filmmaker Enjoying Successes With Goodrich Quality Theaters
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Alex Srednoselac has been a filmmaker and a storyteller for nearly half his life. He grew up watching movies and creating stories and characters in his head. This creativity has led Alex to Goodrich Quality Theaters, in Portage, where he’s been able to bring those stories and characters to life in the form “no cell phone” PSA’s that have been shown before feature films in over thirty of Goodrich’s theaters in the region. Alex has had three of his PSA’s featured over the last year which creatively highlight the theaters policy of no cell use allowed during films.

“I’ve known this is what I wanted to do since I was seven or eight years old,” Alex said, “and working on and getting these PSA’s out there will begin to build up an audience here locally with hopes of branching out eventually.”


A Caregiver with a Beautiful Disposition: Lisa Davenport
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There are some interviews that I do with people that get stuck in my heart. Usually their attitude and outlook put them there. I recently sat down with Lisa Davenport, Director of Nursing for Rittenhouse Senior Living of Portage, and got to listen to wonderful words from a wonderful woman.

Born and raised in Galesberg, IL, Davenport lived with her loving parents and siblings. She and her family moved to Gary, IN because her mom worked at St. Mary’s Hospital, which is now the police station, and then at St. Mary Medical Center in Hobart until she retired.


Portage Celebrates 2015 Independence Day Parade
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Residents and visitors packed the streets of Portage to come out and enjoy the 2015 Portage Independence Day Parade on Saturday, July 4th. Families brought their lawn chairs and awaited the start as children danced on curbs peering down Willowcreek Road eagerly anticipating the first round of sirens from police cars and firetrucks.

The Parade participants arrived early to line up at Willowcreek Middle School before making the slow march from Central Avenue all the way to Lute Road where the parade finished up. Attendees were treated to elaborate floats from many organizations within the community as well as classic cars, motorcycles, Minions, Disney Princesses just to name a few.


Community Honors Music Teacher Melody Logsdon with Candlelight Vigil
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On Monday night, a candlelight vigil was held for music teacher Melody Logsdon, a long time teacher at both Paul Saylor and South Haven Elementary School who tragically lost her life in an automobile accident.

The event featured all members of the community showing up to pay their respects and remember the teacher who had done so much for the students at each school.


2015 Northwest Indiana Graduation Station
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Of all the events we see throughout the year, graduations and commencements are the ones that most embody our good news mission. To see all the hard work put in and out of the classroom by students, parents, teachers, coaches, families and friends culminate in one event, with everyone across the school celebrating the same thing, it's just awesome.

We will have literally thousands of photos from the Class of 2015, just like we did last year, and we couldn't be happier to share these shots of all of these thousands of Northwest Indiana's best and brightest students.


Alton Goin Leaves Behind History, Legacy, in Portage
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Alton Goin, who passed away Dec. 23, dedicated his life to the betterment of Portage.

Alton, or “Al” as friends would call him, was known as the “Patriarch of Portage”. He was, as his friend Debbie Parker told PortageLife.com, “always so spunky with his passion and rhetoric about Portage.” In fact, Goin was so enthusiastic about his community that he was featured in the official tourism video.


Portage Celebrates The Opening Of Founders Square With Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
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On Saturday, June 20th, the City of Portage, the Portage Parks and Recreation Department, and the Greater Portage Chamber of Commerce celebrated the opening of Founders Square Park in downtown Portage with a ribbon cutting ceremony. City officials and members of the public gathered together to also enjoy a ceremonial turning on of the new splash pad, which kids were eagerly anticipating, live musical entertainment and the new market area filled with vendors and food stands.

“The first portion of the new park to open is the splash pad,” said Nancy Simpson from the Greater Portage Chamber of Commerce. “Today we’re going to hear from some city officials, cut the ribbon on the park and then head over to the splash pad where all the kids here will gather together when we turn it on.”


Portage Fire Department Turns Lifesaving Moment Into Valuable Teaching Lesson
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Early last week, the Portage Fire Department responded to a call of a sick person on the south side of town. The symptoms described were not related to carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning, but thanks to special monitors attached to their assessment/airway bags, they found that the house had dangerously high levels of CO in it.

Thanks to these special monitors, made in Valparaiso by Sensit Technologies, the three adults and two children in the residence were evacuated in time and are alive and well.


Portage Eighth Graders Get a Dose of Reality at Life Lesson Event
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8th grade students of Fegely Middle School, Nativity of Our Savior Catholic School, and Willowcreek Middle School gathered together today for The Reality Store, presented by Purdue North Central and the Greater Portage Chamber of Commerce in the Fegely gymnasium. This program informs students about the costs of living and securing financial stability as an adult.

Beforehand, each student was invited to fill out their own personal survey with information on their future career, family, and financial plans. Volunteers from the community were stationed in booths to help each child learn about living within their means and give valuable information personalized specifically to each student. Susan Brychell and Leslie Plesac, Community Relation and Events Directors for PNC, hosted this event as a team this morning and made it very special and welcoming for all involved.