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Top 10 PortageLife Community Articles of 2010

Top-2010-Community-McTeacher-NightThis past year saw the community coming together for the greater good, through fundraisers such as McTeacher Night and the First United Methodist Church gathering food to feed the hungry. Portage Parks saw change through the acquisition of a new superintendent, Chris Johnson, and the Street & Sanitation Department received thank you gifts from Portage Christian Church. Check out more of the highlights of 2010!

Porter County Career and Technical Center Portage Student News - written by Porter County Career and Technical Center

Our Dental Health classes at Portage High School attended the Chicago Mid-Winter Dental Convention on Thursday, February 25, 2010. Students were able to interact with professionals in the field and learn about new practices and products.

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McTeacher Night for Willowcreek - written by Willowcreek Middle School

The teachers of Willowcreek Middle School recently participated in McTeacher Night! On Thursday, May 6, several teachers became McDonald's employees for the night at the McDonald's on Central Ave. Working hard, the "new workers" raised nearly $800!

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Dusty Rhode Portage Boys & Girls Club Members Recognized - wirtten by Boys & Girls Club Staff

On April 17, the Dusty Rhode Portage Boys & Girls Club held their annual Awards Night to recognize members for their accomplishments during the year. Awards were given for Youth of the Year, Junior Youth of the Year, Character and Leadership and each area in the Club awarded certificates to members for “Spirit”, “Helping Hands” and Area Achiever.

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Compliments of Portage Christian Church - written by Portage Christian Church

Top-2010-Community-Dusty-RhodesThe City of Portage Street & Sanitation Department received a surprise visit and gifts from Portage Christian Church on March 22, 2010. Members of the church wanted to say thank you to city workers for their service and hard work which is often overlooked and taken for granted by the community.

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Somebody Doing Something Good in Portage - written by Chris Mahlmann

Could you share a quick comment about somebody in Portage that is doing something good? Adult, student, volunteer, coach, pastor, club, group? I am thinking there are some good people out there and I would like to hear about them. Thanks!

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Portage Lakefront Park - written by City of Portage

Our new lakefront park is the crown jewel of our park system. Amenities include a pavilion with an educational classroom, a cafe, restrooms, board walks, a pier, and two small parking lots. The City of Portage has worked in cooperation with the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore to obtain management of the land, even though it is under Indiana Dunes ownership.

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Top-2010-Community-Lakefront-ParkTiger Scouts Explore Town and Country Store - written by Christopher Cain Sanders

Scouting isn't just Camping and knot tying.... Today, May 13th, 2010 our Tiger Scouts were privileged to receive a guided tour of Town & Country Grocery Store. The young scouts were guided by Customer Service Managers Kristen and Melissa, who not only explained how the grocery store operates but also included an introduction to the Nutritional Food Pyramid Program.

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Portage Township YMCA Sells $24,000 in Goodies - written by Portage Township YMCA

Last week, the Portage Township YMCA participated in a fundraiser and collectively sold $24,000 in cookie dough/popcorn/lava cakes. Their profit of $11,000 helped enhance programs in the Preschool Academy, Gymnastics, Fitness, Child Care Center, Y-Care and K-Care Departments.

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Stepping Out, Stopping Hunger (with video) - written by First United Methodist Church

A week ago, on Sunday, April 25, Pastor Dennis Ticen challenged to congregation of First United Methodist Church to make a difference. "We need to put feet to our faith," Ticen said. And following the worship services that morning, the members and worshippers and First UMC took grocery sacks out into their communities, asking their neighbors to contribute non-perishable food items for the Portage Township Food Pantry. The bags were to be returned the following Sunday.

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New Portage Parks Superintendent, Chris Johnson, Announced at Mayor’s Meeting - written by Ryan McCormick

Top-2010-Community-Parks-SuperintendentOn Wednesday August 11th, 2010, Mayor Olga G. Velazquez held a Public Information Meeting in the Community Center at Woodland Park. Issues were discussed and announcements were made on upcoming events and projects. The main announcement of the night was introducing the new Superintendent of Parks and Recreation for Portage, Chris Johnson. Chris has been living in Portage for a week and half now and talked about his plans that were forming from his analyzing of the needs present.

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