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“Together We Succeed” is Portage Township Schools’ Motto

Dr-Richard-WeigelThe motto of Portage Township Schools is “Together We Succeed.” That short phrase speaks volumes about our schools and what we believe. It is a motto and sentiment that sets a frame for today’s work and a projection for our future. Working together, we can achieve much more than we can individually. Working together, we support innovation, growth, continual improvements, and a positive future for every child whose life we touch. Working together, we achieve our vision as Best in Its Class within our region, state, and nation. Working together we provide a world class education that is exciting for our students. Working together, we create opportunities for our children and community.

We succeed together when all of us, throughout the community and schools, talk to each other, communicate effectively, and listen to each others ideas. We work together as a Portage Township Schools community and have the important discussions that help shape our children’s future. We dialogue about our ideas and support each other’s efforts to help each student to become college or career ready. We recognize the importance of our collaboration to guide the future of each child from the time they enter kindergarten to the time they leave Portage High School.

We succeed together by recognizing that parents are integral to the effective education of our students. We succeed because our parents are our partners in this incredible PK-12 student journey. We work together as parents and school to help each child reach his or her full potential. As partners, we are supportive of adult learning and together we frame a positive vision for the future of each child whose life we touch.

We succeed together when our teachers share best practices with each other. Our teachers are dedicated professionals who reflect on their work and help each other to become increasingly knowledgeable and effective in the instructional process. Working together, we form professional learning communities to continually improve. We succeed as we build positive relationships with our students and we work together because we are passionate to help each child grow to become a productive adult.

We succeed together because we have a school board and administrative team that seeks to lead the district in an ever-increasing model of improvement. That team holds a vision for the success of every child. They are dedicated to the goal of continually increasing the acquisition of knowledge and providing the practice required to build skilled expertise in students and adults. We succeed together as we frame a culture of high expectation in each school.

We succeed together because we have a dedicated support staff in all areas of the school corporation. Each adult in our corporation recognizes that he or she plays a role in the development of the children under our care. We take them to school, feed them, comfort and guide them, all while providing a safe and clean environment so quality learning can take place. All staff are committed to doing whatever it takes to help our children focus on their learning and become successful.

We succeed together because we form partnerships within the broader community. We recognize the many dedicated individuals, businesses and institutions of our community that are committed to helping our children compete in the global economy. Our community members and business leaders frame their personal and professional commitments with an expectation that our schools will provide an excellent education that helps to make our community stronger and more vibrant.

Yes, “Together We Succeed.” There is no doubt that our motto is clearly a way of life for all of us in Portage Township Schools and our community. It is a motto that exemplifies our framework for continued excellence. It is a motto I am dedicated to uphold.