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Tips on Holiday Eating from the YMCA

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Visit the Portage Township YMCA Website
3100 Willowcreek Rd
Portage, IN 46368
Phone: 219-762-9622

The Portage Township YMCA in partnership with St. Mary Medical Center, will be providing tips on Holiday Eating, Wednesday, November 30 form 5:00-5:45 pm at the YMCA. Omar Shamsi, M.D., Medical Weight Loss Specialist and Kathryn Lipari, R.D., C.D., Bariatric Dietician of St. Mary Medical Center’s Healthy4Life Center will discuss tips and strategies for avoiding weight gain during the holidays.

Please RSVP by calling 764-7217. *The first 20 people to register will receive a purple Healthy4Life tote bag.

For more details regarding this event, contact the YMCA at 219-762-9622 or at danny@ymcaofportage.org.