It’s said that the ancient Babylonians may have been the first people to make New Year’s Resolutions, some 4,000 years ago. So now at least we know whom to blame when we’re waiting 45 minutes for the elliptical at the gym until March or so.
Regardless of whether you resolve something for the New Year, it almost always feels like a time to declare something grand, or even make a small promise to yourself for someone else. Or at the very least, it’s an excuse to set your spell check to replace everything 2019 to 2020, because you KNOW you’re going to mistype that a few hundred times.
We have big plans at GreatNews.Life, and you’ll learn more about that as the coming year unfolds. Until then, here’s a glimpse into how some Lifers intend to make the world a better place in 2020. What’s your resolution? Share with us!

Tommy Elwood, New Media Journalist
My two New Year’s resolutions are to save more money and to stay more organized, especially because I will be a college student. Thanks, and Happy New Year!

Gena DeMuth, New Media Journalist
I would like to say my resolution is to have more control of the TV remote, but my husband says that won’t happen. So, being realistic, I would like 2020 to be the year I worry less about failure, stepping out of my comfort zone more.

Stephanie Swearington, Operations Director
I am working on me in 2020, both mind and body. This year is my year and I am ready to come at it!

Curtis Hankins, New Media Journalist
If I had to decide on a resolution, I'd say it'd be to listen to more music. There are so many great new artists and albums out there, but I played it pretty safe last year and mostly stuck to my favorites. I'd like to change that up a bit.

Zavier Colon, IT Assistant
My new year’s resolution is to make smarter decisions with how I use my finances. I am trying my hardest to not live in my parents’ house my whole life, and unfortunately, that means I’ll need to start cutting out so many trips to Starbucks.

Kole Rushmore, Contributing Editor
Hoping for an exciting year filled with adventure and amazing experiences with my family.

Dan Petrekis, New Media Journalist
I don't really make resolutions. I instead prefer to concentrate on areas where I've found myself to be lacking and make small but earnest plans to correct that. Heading into 2020, I plan to continue to take incremental, manageable steps to secure my financial future. I would hope to see the community where I live lose some of the negativity that I too often see and regain some sense of pride in what Michigan City has to offer, and what its future holds. Perhaps most of all, I'd just really hope to see more people being nice to each other, without any personal agenda - just for the sake of being a nice person. Just brightening one person's day can have such a profound effect on the world, one gentle, good deed at a time.

Beth Ireland, Contributing Editor
I have always loved books and been an avid reader. Lately, however, I’ve been neglecting my old friends (books) and as I head into 2020, I’m going to focus on getting back into the habit of reading. My goal is to read one new book a month and maybe visit some of those old friends I’ve read before as well.

Kayla Belec, Contributing Editor
This year, my goal is to be a lot kinder to myself, mentally and physically. Also, I really need to stop drinking boxed wine (a relatively new and bad habit of mine).

Sarah DeMars, Graphic Design & Editorial Assistant
My resolution would have to be to challenge myself more artistically and push myself harder to tackle challenges in a positive way. I always aim to go somewhere new every year too!

Stacey Kellogg, Editorial Director
“I found things in the woods that I didn’t know I was looking for… and now I’ll never be the same.” – Jennifer Phar Davis. I resolve to spend more time hiking, backpacking and being outside in general, using the principals of Leave No Trace, and hopefully inspiring others to discover nature and the benefits of it.