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The Valparaiso Economic Development Corporation supports the city from behind the scenes

The Valparaiso Economic Development Corporation supports the city from behind the scenes

A lot of hard work isn’t done in the limelight. Difficult, lasting work is done through dedication and commitment. The Valparaiso Economic Development Corporation (VEDC) has been doing just that for decades.

Founded in 1984, members of the VEDC created partnerships and relationships with one goal–to bring sustainable economic development and infrastructure to their city. The VEDC realizes that having good-paying, reliable work improves the quality of life for all Valparaiso citizens.

“Some people ask where's this new, important business coming from,” said Dale Clapp, board chair of the VEDC. “It’s coming from this localized, grassroots knowledge base.”

The VEDC brings people together to bridge the gap between the public and private sectors. Comprised of 20 board members, the VEDC works with the city to advocate for new opportunities for the city of Valparaiso.

Using its strategic objectives as a catalyst, the VEDC has three key goals.

First, the VEDC works to generate business and retain the gains the city has made. It facilitates locating state and local incentives for businesses that can lead to expansion or investment opportunities for the companies that already exist in the city.

Secondly, the VEDC markets and promotes the Valparaiso community both locally and nationally. Using relationships built from years of experience and connections, the VEDC attends conferences for the sole purpose of advocating for Valparaiso.

Lastly, the VEDC encourages both the expansion of business in Valparaiso and also its creation. By meeting with city council members, working with county government officials, and talking to the state legislature, VEDC members promote the benefits of Valparaiso as a community.

“The VEDC pulls together community resources locally, regionally, and statewide,” said George Douglas, City of Valparaiso director of development “Our work has put us in the position where the state has said here's a company we're bringing to Indiana let us see your potential site.”

This behind-the-scenes work is always completed and encouraged with a focus on the people of Valparaiso. Working to create “the perfect place,” the VEDC believes that the quality of life is what matters most.

“We’ve been very supportive of developing the core of downtown,” said Rex Richards, president of the VEDC. “Downtown Valparaiso today brings people together to eat and to enjoy events.”

Developments throughout the downtown area of Valparaiso and beyond have created the community facilities and environment that exist today.

Recently the VEDC has supported the development of the Lakes of Valparaiso, Pratt Industries, and Journeyman Distillery to name a few.

“We support the upgrades to the LINC apartments and parking garage and the lanes going around the new Journeyman development,” said Douglas. “There's quite a bit underway that fits into the core of what we’re about.”

Many of these improvements evolve and expand without most residents realizing the years of work that allow for their creation.

“Most of our work is out of sight,” Douglas said. “The VEDC provides just enough of a nudge to show interest and opportunities.”

After decades and decades of work, the VEDC members see only positive things in the city’s future. By working together and in the background, the VEDC wants to maintain all that Valparaiso has become and can be.

"The VEDC is the mechanism where we bring the public and private sectors together to collectively get things done," Richards said.

To learn more about the VEDC, please visit valpoedc.com/index.php.