The United Way of Porter County Kicks Off Their Campaign the Right Way

This time of year is very special for many people. The transition to fall is upon us, farmers are getting ready for harvest, kids are about to start the school year, and the United Way of Porter County is kicking off their annual campaign.

On Thursday morning, a CEOLeadership breakfast was held in Harley’s Tap Room at Indiana Beverage in Business owners and community leaders from all over Porter County came together to network and celebrate the occasion.

We wanted to bring as many leaders from the Porter County Community together to bring them up to speed on the progress of the United Way’s work in Porter County,”Melissa Castle-Kirincic, Resource Development Director at the Porter County United Way, said. “We’re introducing Greg and Liz Farrall, this year’s co-campaign chairs for the Porter County United Way as well."

Greg Farrall is the founder and CEO of Farrall Wealth Management in Valparaiso. He and his wife were very excited to be part of such a great cause and they were beaming with pride throughout the entire event.

“This means everything to us. Our plan is to raise $1.8 million for 38 different agencies throughout Porter County. It’s an honor and we’re really excited to be able to help those in need and to get them back on their feet,” Farrall said.

A delicious breakfast was served before the presentation and guests chatted amiable with one another as the late summer morning drew on. Sharon Kish, President of the Porter County United Way was among the crowd and she looked as pleased as she could be at the fantastic turnout.

“Today is the kickoff for our campaign,” Kish said. “CEOs and leaders are brought here today to find out how they can help make the campaign a success. We want to thank everyone for their generosity and all they do for the community and we plan to show them how their dollars are at work within the United Way. I’m very excited about what’s to come. This is always a fine time with getting the campaign kicked off and letting the community know about all the wonderful things that the nonprofits are doing.”

Indiana Beverage President Jon Leetz began the program by extending a warm welcome to everyone in the room.

“Our mission at Indiana Beverage it to deliver the difference. And United Way certainly delivers the difference, but they can only do it with our help,” Leetz said. “It’s great having everyone here today and we want to recognize what you do and we want you to know that we appreciate what you do for the United Way. And by investing in the United Way of Porter County it makes our region stronger, safer and healthier.”

Following Leetz was Todd Wagenblast, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer for Indiana Beverage. He is also the Treasurer and Finance Chair for the United Way of Porter County. He recognized some special guests in attendance such as Chesterton’s Town Manager Bernard Doyle, Porter County Sherriff David Lain, Kris Pate -United Way of La Porte County Executive Director and Charlie Roberts AVP and Branch Manager of Horizon Bank as well as the campaign chair for the La Porte County United Way.

George Carberry of Burke, Costanza and Carberry LLP spoke after Wagenblast and said that Indiana Beverage was one of the top 25 campaign contributors to the Porter County United Way. He spoke of the generosity of all that are part of Indiana Beverage.

Kish followed Carberry’s statements with talk of what the campaign means to the community and how importance of company leadership when it comes to getting involved with the United Way. Kathy Wojkovich, the Volunteer Center Director for the Porter County United Way, seconded Kish’s feelings as she spoke of the importance of volunteering and how it’s not only great for the individual, but really great for the business.

“We are the one, you have been the one, and now this year we’re asking you to step up and really take that commitment seriously as CEOs,” Wojkovich said fervently. "One of the best ways to do this is by getting involved with the Volunteer Center and realizing that encouraging employees to get engaged to volunteer is good not only for the nonprofits, but good for business. Statistics show that when employees go out into the community and work side by side for something positive in a volunteer service –that’s team building and when they come back to work and see things differently. And in time employee moral and productivity rise.”

Greg and Liz Farrall closed the event with their thoughts on being part of the campaign. They also introduced this year’s campaign video which had not been revealed to anyone until that morning, so that was a special treat to witness. They ended by issuing the options of how everyone can get involved with the United Way and give back through their businesses.

What an exciting beginning to such a worthwhile cause! If you or your business wishes to get in on the giving, visit to find out what you can do. And "Like" the United Way of Porter County on Facebook!

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Check out the "Be The One" Campaign video below!
