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The Humanities Today to be Discussed at Purdue Calumet on October 23

PUC-Logo“How to Talk about the Value of the Humanities in the Age of Corporate University” will be discussed at 7:30 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 23 in Purdue University Calumet’s Gyte Building, Room 103.

Contemporary Form of Humanities Education
Paul Jay, author, professor of English and Fellow at Loyola (Ill.) University’s Center for Interdisciplinary Thinking, will promote a contemporary form of humanities education. The free program is the opening session of Purdue Calumet’s 2014-15 English Lecture Series, focusing on The Humanities Today.

Professor Jay specializes in modern and contemporary literature and theory, cultural theory, visual culture, the relationship between literature and globalization, and the future of the humanities in higher education. He also recently authored the book, The Humanities "Crisis" and the Future of Literary Studies.

Essential Reading
“Our English Lecture Series brings in speakers from Chicago and across the Midwest to address crucial issues in the teaching of writing and in the study of English more generally,” Purdue Calumet Department of English and Philosophy Head and Professor Dan Punday said. “We’re lucky this year to have a speaker whose defense of the humanities is essential reading, not just to those of us in higher education, but to everyone in Northwest Indiana.”

Purdue Calumet’s English Lecture Series, sponsored by the university’s Graduate Program in English, brings together writers, teachers and researchers from across Northwest Indiana and the Chicago area to discuss the teaching of writing.

Future Programs
Other programs in the 2014-15 English Lecture Series are:
Tuesday, Oct. 28, 3:30 p.m. - A follow-up roundtable discussion of Professor Jay’s lecture (Classroom Office Building, Room 137);
Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2 p.m. – Purdue Calumet Associate Professor of English Mark Mabrito will lead a discussion entitled “Exploring Immersive Virtual Worlds and Serious Games for the Writing Classroom”;
Saturday, Feb. 21, 9 a.m. – Northern Illinois University Professor Norman Stahl will lead a workshop on the humanities and literacy (pre-registration encouraged).

To pre-register or obtain other information, contact Purdue Calumet’s Dept. of English and Philosophy at 219/989-2645.