They tell me that as you grow older that time seemingly “fly’s by”. Just yesterday I paid a credit card bill for a round of golf that I played in November, when it was still relatively warm and the sun came out and went down when it was supposed to and now suddenly Christmas has arrived! As always, I have waited until the last possible moment and so just as in years past, I will head out at the last minute to grab those presents that I should have snagged weeks ago. My strategy and logic behind this is of course is that most everyone else is not as irresponsible as I am and that they have already purchased their gifts. As such, the stores will likely be empty upon my arrival this afternoon.
I would have taken the entire day off, but Lakeshore Television is coming in for an interview this morning about what you can do about protecting your home from the “low-life’s” out there that would love to take all of your hard earned belongings while you are away visiting relatives during the holidays. I urge you to tune in tonight, but in the event you are also among the masses in the mall with me, here is a summary of what I will be telling Lakeshore.
Simply put, make yourself an unattractive victim. (No, that does not refer to personal appearance) Think like a burglar and take a look at your house today. What is it that screams to the bad guys – “Hey, I have a lot of neat things in here and look, this is how you can take them!”. If you recall in my last email, we talked about those home invasions we had earlier in the month, they were looking for homes with unlocked windows and doors. (They are still out there by the way) Burglars are lazy people, that’s why they are taking your things because they are too lazy to work like you and I for the things we have. They are also lazy when it comes to stealing, so make it tough on them and perhaps they will move on to another location. Locked entry points also make it harder and demand more time and effort to get into your home and besides being caught by us, those are 2 things that burglars are trying to avoid.
For those of you with electric garage doors, do not view that door as secure and fail to lock the door that leads into your house- as I have a habit of doing. Obviously I am not going to tell you how, but there exists a relatively simply way for bad guys to get those garage doors open. Lock the interior door and make it a double obstacle for them. I know I probably should not be publicizing the fact that I have an unlocked door at times, but I also have 2 dogs that await the fool who tries to sneak into my home. I love animals, especially dogs, but I will admit that at times my two dogs can be rather painful to be around. They seemingly bark at anything and everything that moves and at times they like to bite as well…. and they do that to the people that we invite into our home so can you imagine what they would do to someone who snuck in uninvited?
Light up your house when you are away, a few rooms here and there, maybe an automatic timer on some lamps if you are going out of town for a few days. Make the home look lived in, turn on the television or radio. Noise is a good thing, noise makes it sound as if someone is in the house and that is the illusion you are after. Keep that thought if you will be on the road and in a hotel in the days ahead. When I travel I never leave the hotel room dark and quiet, lights and the television are always on when I am out.
Last night I checked on my neighbor’s house as they are away visiting their family in another state. The drapes and shades were all closed, no lights- not one, not even an outside light was on. When I left the house it looked like there was a party going on. The television was on, a bedroom and bathroom light were lit and for safe keeping I hit the kitchen light as well. Maybe it costs a few cents for electricity, but isn’t that better than someone grabbing all those things in your home that make you happy? I am sure my neighbor will have no gripes with the extra dollar or two on his bill next month. (He’s a Doctor, he has a ton of money anyway)
Mail pick up and newspapers, that is “a gimmee” as we say in the golf world, that means an easy one to deal with. The last thing you want is a pile of papers in your driveway and an overflowing mailbox. Even the dumbest of thieves can figure that one out. If you trust your neighbors, tell them you are headed out and to kindly watch the house. If you get along with them, perhaps they will agree to grab your mail and newspapers. If they do not particularly care for you, then stop the paper delivery and ask the US Postal Service to hold your mail.
You may also wish to contact your local police and ask them for extra patrols. Our officers at the Portage Police Department receive daily bulletins and it is quite normal to receive a request from a resident that we drive by a few times each day while they are out of town. We are happy to do it!
Internet safety continues to be an issue and it is one that increases this time of the year. For those among you who do not plan out your Christmas shopping as well as I have and elect to simply sit back and shop via the internet, be careful. The FBI recently sent out a warning as to the increased scams that are sent floating out in the internet world this time of year. Great offers to buy expensive things at ridiculously low prices, offers that you need to respond to within the next 10 minutes or you lose, etc. Be careful with those little pop ups that show up and certainly the hairs on the back of your scalp should stand tall when unsolicited mail from unknown people arrive. Many of those emails contain viruses that will not only mess up your computer, but will begin searching your files for credit card numbers, bank accounts and other personal information that you would rather not share with the public.
Well, that is about all of the safety tips I have for you today. I will tell you though that time does fly by and in a few days it will mark my 3rd year of retirement from the FBI, seems like just yesterday! In reminiscing, I am reminded of our green and red pay check statements that became sort of a tradition for us in the FBI during the holiday season. You see, while some businesses in the private sector dole out “bonuses” around this time of the year, the FBI of course did not have money to simply add to our paycheck. At some point someone told the FBI Director that in lieu of a bonus, that perhaps the employees would find great joy if their pay check statements at Christmas time were printed in red and green ink. I would have rather had the money and although I wish I had some cash laying around here to send your way, I do not. All I can do is wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! (Yea I know, the ink thing did not do much for us either)
Remember, if it does not seem right then it probably isn’t. Call the police and let us figure it out, that is what we get paid to do!
Contact Us!
- Emergency - "911"
- Routine Business - (219) 762-3122
- STOP Team - (219) 764-5676
- We Tip Line- 1 - 800 - 78 - CRIME
Be safe and I know that Mayor Velazquez joins all of us at the Portage Police Department in wishing you a very happy and safe holiday season.