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Chief’s Email – Memorial Day

For most of us, Memorial Day signifies the unofficial start of summer. Many will enjoy the long weekend with cook outs, spending time with the family, over 35 million are expected to take trips of over 50 miles this weekend and air traffic is up nearly 12% over the next 3 days. Although I plan to work part of the weekend, I too am looking forward to that extra day off. For literally tens of thousands among us, this weekend has a much more meaningful and personal purpose. For many people it is a day to remember the loss of a loved one who gave their life in our armed services. For all of us, it should be a weekend in which we take a moment and think ofand thank those that gave of their life so that we may live ours in the manner in which we do.

Memorial Day was initially known as “Decoration Day” and was set aside to honor the Nation’s Civil War dead. The day first became widely observed on May 30, 1868 and in 1966 President Lyndon Johnson declared Waterloo, New York as the official birthplace of Memorial Day, as it was there that the day was first celebrated (May 5, 1866) In 1971 Congress declared Memorial Day a “National Holiday” to be celebrated on the last Monday in May. Veterans Day is celebrated on November 11th of each year and honors all veterans, living and dead.

This weekend, in honor of Memorial Day, soldiers will place a small American flag on the graves in Arlington National Cemetery. The President or Vice-President will give a speech honoring those that gave of their lives in defense of our freedom, a wreath will be placed at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and about 5,000 people will be present for the ceremony.

I hope that you will take a moment to think of the hundreds of thousands of young men and women who died on battlefields across the world so that we may enjoy the many freedoms we have.

To those of you who have lost a loved one in defense of our country, be assured that you will be in our thoughts and prayers.

Be Safe