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Teens in NW Indiana Need Your Help

PATH-TeensIn St. John, “Male students repeatedly bullied and taunted high school junior.” In Portage, “Sexually explicit messages about Portage middle school and high school students on Facebook.” In Valparaiso, “Teens arrested in armed robbery.”

These are only a few excerpts from hundreds of news stories across Northwest Indiana reporting on crimes committed by teens. If you were to spend some time with these young people, you would discover that for most of them it was one bad choice that led to another, and yet another -- choices that will have a profoundly negative impact on the rest of their lives. PATH, Inc. (A positive Approach to Teen Health) works with teens and tweens to help them avoid unhealthy choices, and instead choose to do those things that will lead to fulfilling and productive lives. We accomplish this through innovative curriculum development, multimedia classroom training, teen mentoring programs, and more.

You can find out more about PATH by visiting our website at www.pathblazer.org.

Previously, PATH has been able to reach approximately 25,000 teens per year in Northwest Indiana. We would love to reach even more teens now and in the future. Unfortunately, PATH must raise more money to meet the growing need for its services. That is why I am writing to you, to ask that you please consider becoming a PATH partner during our “Ten for Teens” campaign.

As a “Ten for Teens” partner, you will be supporting PATH’s work with a gift of $10 a month charged to your credit card or debited from your checking account. Knowing that your gift will be coming every month will help PATH in becoming more sustainable, and assist us in our program planning. Even more important, your regular giving will help to keep teens and tweens on a healthy and safe path.

Please become a “Ten for Teens” partner now by visiting PATH’s website at www.pathblazer.org/support.php. Help us to reach our goal of 1,000 “Ten for Teens” partners by 2012.

Thank you for your help! May you and your loved ones have the happiest Thanksgiving.