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Take Me With You!

The man from whom the demons had gone out begged to go with him, but Jesus sent him away, saying, ‘Return home and tell how much God has done for you.’ So the man went away and told all over the town how much Jesus had done for him” (Luke 8:38-39). take-me-with-you

Scene: The Gerasenes, near the lakeshore.

Jesus: Well, I guess we’ve done about as much as we can here. Besides, the people are telling us to leave, so I guess we’d better get moving.

Peter: Okay, everybody back to the boat! (Disciples start shuffling back toward the lakeside, some wondering out loud when Jesus is going to provide lunch and others wondering why they came here in the first place.)

John: Okay, let’s count off and make sure we’re all here. (They do so, and they hear the number “13” at the end.) Wait a minute, there’s only supposed to be 12 of us. Someone’s trying to stow away! (They look more closely at the men in the boat and realize that the former demoniac< Legion, is in the boat, too.) Hey, Jesus, we’ve got a problem down here!

Jesus (comes down to the boat): What is it?

John: This guy’s trying to go with us.

Jesus: Legion? What’s going on here?

Legion: Uh, well, you see, Jesus, there’s really nothing here for me. Those people don’t like me any more than they like you.

Jesus: Gee, thanks.

Legion: You know what I mean. Anyway, there’s really no reason for me to stay here, and since you’ve done so much for me, healing me and all, I figure that I should go with you and help you out. How about it, Jesus? Take me with you.

Jesus: But, you see, you’re wrong. There is something here for you to do.

Legion: Really? What could there possibly be here for me to do?

Jesus: You see all those people are sending me away? They need to know your story, of the way you encountered God’s grace and healing through me. You need to tell them your story.

Legion: But Jesus, speaking really isn’t my gift. It’s not my thing. I’ve not done a whole lot of it. Couldn’t I do something simpler? Couldn’t I just come with you? Please???

Jesus: If you come with me, how will all those people ever hear about me?

Legion: But, Jesus...

Jesus: Legion, you know that what I’m saying is true. You can feel it in your heart, can’t you? That’s God’s call on your life.

Legion (pause, then a big sigh): Are you sure I can’t come with you?

Jesus: It’ll be okay, Legion. (Helps Legion out of the boat.) Just tell your story. And I will be with you.