On Wednesday, February 8, 2012 at approximately 3:08 pm the Portage Police Department SWAT Team executed a felony arrest warrant at a location on Palm St. When SWAT officers entered the Palm Street residence, they came across several subjects that were inside, none of which were the intended target. While inside the residence, they observed guns, ammunition, numerous pieces of drug paraphernalia and a large amount of cash, which were all in plain view. It was at this point that a search warrant was obtained for the residence. During the execution of the search warrant, police confiscated four guns, ammunition, heroin, crack cocaine, assorted pills, drug paraphernalia, multiple scales, $4819.33 in cash and a drug ledger book. Police also impounded one vehicle from the scene.
Police Chief Troy Williams wants the citizens of Portage to know that the police department will work tirelessly to keep Portage safe. As a result of the SWAT raid, police put a dent in the distribution of dugs in a residential neighborhood where children play outside on a regular basis. Drug dealing will not be tolerated in the community and the police will continue to aggressively attack illegal drugs, guns and gangs that come into the City of Portage.