Home»Other»State Senator Charbonneau to Visit REGIONAL Federal Credit Union

State Senator Charbonneau to Visit REGIONAL Federal Credit Union

Ed-CharbonneauREGIONAL Federal Credit Union, a not-for-profit financial institution serving Northwest Indiana since 1961, will host a meeting with Indiana State Senator Ed Charbonneau from 1:00 to 2:30 PM Wednesday, August 22, 2012, at the credit union’s 2801 Boilermaker Court office in Valparaiso.

Mr. Charbonneau will discuss student loans and healthcare, and will take questions from the audience. An RSVP for this event is recommended but not required, and the event is open to the public.

Mr. Charbonneau’s visit is part of the REGIONAL Educated Community Initiative, which seeks to help consumers in Northwest Indiana stay informed of the issues that affect them, and provide a chance to meet lawmakers at the local, state and national level. Past ECI guests have included Indiana State Representative Ed Soliday and U.S. Congressman Pete Visclosky. For more information or to reserve your seat, contact Lauren Banning at laurenbanning@regionalfcu.org.

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2801 Boilermaker Ct.
Valparaiso, IN 46383
Phone: (219) 548-6800