Home»Community»Worship»St. Peter Lutheran Church Installs New Minister by Linda Lemond

St. Peter Lutheran Church Installs New Minister by Linda Lemond

St-Peter-Lutheran-Church-Installs-New-Minister-by-Linda-Lemond-01St. Peter Lutheran Church of Portage, Indiana, joyfully announces the installation of the Reverend Benjamin Thomas Ahlersmeyer as its new minister. Pastor Ben was installed July 31, 2016, with many local ministers, congregational members, friends, family members and visitors in attendance.

Pastor Ben is one of six children and the son of a pastor. He is the son of Tom and Janet Ahlersmeyer and brother to Elizabeth, Rebecca, Sam, Caleb and Daniel. His father currently serves as pastor of Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Fort Wayne, Indiana. His uncle and cousin are also Lutheran ministers.

Ben graduated from Lutheran High School West in Rocky River, Ohio, and attended Concordia University – Ann Arbor, Michigan. He graduated in 2009 with a degree in Family Life Ministry. He attended Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri, and earned his Masters of Divinity in 2013.

While attending the university, Ben met Melissa Hanlin from Millington, Michigan. Melissa graduated from Concordia in 2008 with degrees in both psychology and family life education. She served as a foster care case manager for nearly two years. Ben and Melissa were married in 2010.In 2013, Ben received his first call to Peace Lutheran Church in Lombard, Illinois, where he served for three years.

Pastor Ben and Melissa are excited for new challenges in ministry as they serve in Portage. Their love for people and their Lord Jesus motivates their service and drives a deep desire to be connected to the local community. They see potential for exciting new opportunities for ministry in St. Peter, and Portage at large, as the Lord leads them forward.

St-Peter-Lutheran-Church-Installs-New-Minister-by-Linda-Lemond-02St. Peter is located at 6540 Central Avenue. It is one of the oldest churches in Portage, established by German Lutheran farmers in 1882. Although it enjoys a long and rich history, it is a forward-looking congregation, seeking ways to serve the greater Portage community. Recently, they welcomed into fellowship many members from Holy Cross Lutheran Church, which closed this past summer.

The former Holy Cross members brought many of their exciting outreach ministries to St. Peter, such as Community Dinners, Comfort Dogs, Back to School Backpacks and afterschool tutoring at Central Elementary School.

These have been added to St. Peter’s existing programs, such as mastectomy pillows, Prayer Shawls, Trunk and Trick, a community garden and assistance at the Food Pantry and Christian Resale Shop.

St. Peter is a Missouri Synod Lutheran congregation. It believes in salvation by grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8,9). Its members know they are not perfect, just forgiven.

Sunday services are at 9 a.m., a contemporary service led by a Praise Team, and 11 a.m., a traditional hymnal-based service with liturgy and organ accompaniment. Sunday School meets at 10 a.m. with classes for all ages, including toddlers.

All are welcome.

For further information, please see the website: www.stpeterportage.com.