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Spring Courses at Porter County Family Counseling Center

Porter-County-Family-Counseling-CenterBesides providing counseling services, we have also developed a series of couses. PCFCC can tailor this training to your needs. These topics can be presented anywhere from a one hour speaking engagement, to a multi week course, to an ongoing class. Call today to schedule training for your group or organization.

Anger Management
Keeping My Cool is a 13 week anger management group that teaches individuals the in's and out's of emotional regulation.

Girl Power!
Girl Power! is an educational, skill-building and creative group designed to introduce girls to concepts and skills that promote a positive self-image

Bridges Out of Poverty
In this training we will explore the mental models and hidden rules of social class.

Life Skills
Super 6 Life Skills! Work on skills that enable participants to change and improve the skills necessary to move forward from homelessness, recovery from addiction or long term unemployment.

The Women's Empowerment Group
The Women's Empowerment Group is open to ALL women who would like to discuss various issues affecting women.

Safe Dates and Healthy Relationships
Safe Dates & Healthy Relationships is an educational, skill-building group for adolescent girls and boys where they learn to understand what constitutes a healthy relationship and an abusive relationship.

Motivational Techniques
Progress Review/Motivational Techniques is a course designed for non-profit and for profit entities who are front end service providers. This training assists individuals in helping others to think differently about their behavior and ultimately to consider what might be gained through change.

Contact the Porter County Family Counseling Center at 219.364.2732. Visit their website here.