Home»Other»Spots Still Available for 2016 Fall Master Recycler Program

Spots Still Available for 2016 Fall Master Recycler Program

Master-Recycler-Program-2016Why are some materials recyclable at the curb and others aren’t? Get answers to your burning recycling questions and more from experts during the next Porter County Master Recycler class.

The comprehensive, seven-week program is scheduled from 6-8:30 p.m. Thursdays, Sept. 8 through Oct. 20, at the Porter County Government Center, 155 Indiana Ave., Valparaiso. The course will feature guest speakers and field trips to help students gain environmental knowledge beyond the blue bin.

Sponsored by Porter County Recycling & Waste Reduction, the course is open to Porter County residents and those who work in the county.

Participants will learn from guest speakers about waste flow processes, recycling, household hazardous waste and composting. Students will also meet others who have similar waste reduction and environmental interests.

The online application and program syllabus are available on the District’s website, www.PorterCountyRecycling.org.

“Because this class is during the evening hours, the field trips are optional,” said Donna Stuckert, public education coordinator. “We understand people who work during the day cannot necessarily join us for these trips; however, they are truly exceptional experiences and worth the time.”

Students will tour a materials recovery facility in Homewood, where recyclables go once they leave the curb; the Newton County landfill; Metro Recycling; the Valparaiso compost site; and Pratt Industries.

A fee of $30 will help defray the cost of course materials and transportation and is due on the first day of class. Class participants commit to 30 hours of volunteer time to educate and inspire others in their community to reduce waste in the home and at work.

The program is limited to 30 participants. For more information, visit www.PorterCountyRecycling.org or call 465-3819.