South Shore Orchestra begins its 9th season titled Fusion of Art and Music. Seven of those seasons have been solely supported by the benefit funds raised by annual wine tastings and ultimately their fine wine dinner, with live and silent auction.
This year’s dinner World Tour of Wine is to be held on Saturday, May 4 at Venue by Bistro in Valparaiso. Featured wines from France, Italy, Spain and the Americas will entertain you with a travelogue of taste and flavor accompanied by the 5 course gourmet meal prepared by award winning chef Nicole Bissonette of Bistro 157 Restaurant.
Tickets are $95 per person. The live and silent auction will feature specialty wines, fine jewelry and original artwork. All proceeds will go to support the South Shore Orchestra and its programs which include three major performances per year, a youth orchestra, a youth scholarship, and smaller ensemble presentations. Please help SSO guarantee another year of fine music to our regional community. To reserve tickets, email Pete Brannen at or visit
Then save the date May 31 at Ivy Tech Auditorium theater for SSO’s presentation of Passionate Colors with the world premier of RED composed by Ana Milosavljevic. Also presented will be Dvorak 9 to celebrate SSO’s 9th season, LALO Symphonie Espagnole, played by Hanna Cantu, SSO 2012 Scholarship Winner, and a complimentary art exhibit with featured artist Kirsten Renehan and her IB ADVANCED Art students showcasing their works made to “RED”. General Admission: $15, Students and Seniors: $10, Children under 12: Free