While the pandemic continues to call for all of us to stay home, many don’t have that choice. The South Shore Line today pledged solidary and thanks to the frontline workers who are dedicated to getting our healthcare workers, first responders, and others where they need to go, no matter the situation at hand.
At 2 p.m. CST, the South Shore Line participated in the national Sound the Horn event, where all transit providers were invited to attend and simultaneously sound two, one-second horn blasts in recognition of all transit personnel.
“This recognizes the incredible work our transportation providers are performing every day without hesitation,” said Mike Noland, President and General Manager of the South Shore Line. “We are so proud of them. They are providing an essential service to transport essential workers – many of them in the healthcare industry who are treating COVID-19 patients. I am truly proud of our employees, and humbled to be part of this effort.”
Noland said the South Shore Line has diligently shifted practices to ensure they are complying with guidelines to make necessary transportation safe.
“As we’re all going through uncharted waters, we’re taking every step that we can and we’re even looking at additional ways to make our system safe for our employees and passengers,” Noland said. “We’ve ramped up our disinfecting practices, we’re doing more cleaning, we’re looking at new products – all to make it safer for our employees and riders. We are going to come out of the COVID-19 situation and we’re going to have an improved environment for everybody.”
Noland said he is impressed with how the entire Region has come together to support each other and stay ahead of the national crisis before us.
“From what I see, everyone is practicing social distancing, we’re washing our hands, we’ve got our masks on, and unnecessary activity has come to a halt. I think everyone is pulling together in this Region,” he said. “I’m particularly proud of our employees who didn’t even hesitate to come in during this situation. They’re following proper protocols, and we’re doing everything we can to get our country back on track.”
Shortly after Noland expressed his thanks, the train horns blared in unison, as police parked on the overpass with flashing lights guarded participants, so they could cheer in thanks and appreciation.
For more information on the South Shore Line’s operations during this time, visit their website or follow them on Facebook.