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South Haven Firefighters Give Back to the Community

South-Haven-Fire-Department-Give-Back-to-Community-01Ask a volunteer firefighter why they do what they do. They will usually tell you that it's not for the fame, or to ride around in big red trucks. They will tell you that what they do is for the community. And no where is that more evident than at the South Haven Volunteer Fire Department.

This Christmas season the 43 firefighters, EMTs and Paramedics of the South Haven Fire Department have gone above and beyond in giving back to their community.

On December 12th, seventeen children from the South Haven and Portage area were able to go Christmas shopping for their families during the departments annual Shop with a Firefighter outing. Each child was able to buy presents for their families and something special for themselves thanks to donations from the firefighters and the community. This annual event has grown every year, with 2014's event raising the most money ever with $2300 in donations going to those in need in the community

On December 20th the South Haven Firefighters had the privilege of escorting Santa Claus into town to pass out candy canes door to door. The annual "Santa Patrol" escorts Santa through the community and lets every child see the wonder of Santa coming to visit. With over 900 candy canes given out, Santa and the firefighters had a very busy day spreading cheer throughout South Haven and Portage Township.

For more information on the South Haven Volunteer Fire Department, go to www.southhavenfire.com. Or follow them on Face book at www.facebook.com/southhavenfire