The best thing about being alive is the knowledge that we have the ability to learn. We are always learning and discovering, and the ability flows over all aspects of our existence. We can learn how to walk, how to love, how to snap our fingers, and how to make the best of situations and see the brightest outlook we can in anything.
BruceAnn Singleton made a choice and took a path that she never thought she would set foot on. But she did. And she learned some valuable and wonderful things and is looking toward a very bright and promising future.
Singleton worked with Re/Max Affiliates for 10 years before retiring her brand and merged with McColly Real Estate. She now works under the McColly name as a Managing Broker and she couldn’t be happier.
We at {valpo}ValpoLife{/valpo}{portage}PortageLife{/portage} would like to extend our congratulations to Singleton for taking the initiative to make good things happen in her life and career!
We are proud to know you, work with you, and we wish you the best of luck, BruceAnn! We love how you do LIFE!