Share with the Community, Submit to PortageLife Worship Pages

2009-Christmas-Pageant-1We always welcome submissions from the Portage area worship organizations and we love to help positive congregations spread the word to those in the community who don’t yet belong to a particular church or who are interested in all the good throughout our community.

If you like what you see on the worship pages of PortageLife and would like your worship organization to be included, all you have to do is let us know whatever you would like to see up on the site! You can directly submit your information directly to the site by following the instructions found here.

We love to post newsletters and bulletins, upcoming events, past sermons, or just notes from a pastor that would be of interest to the entire community. If you have an e-newsletter, please add to the recipient list and we can share that content with the Portage community. We are always collecting photos of congregations doing community service, or photos of special events (please include notes on those events/photo captions with those). If you have any audio or video files, we would love to share those via PortageLife as well!

The worship organizations who have already contributed (Click on each organization to view a list of their contributions) include: 2011-VBS-11

Often links to our worship articles can be found on the homepage and they go out in the weekly PortageLife newsletter! We also regularly post direct links to the worship articles to our Facebook and Twitter feeds for thousands of potential congregation members to see.

We hope this has been helpful in the process of spreading your positive message to the community. Please contact PortageLife directly at with any questions. The best part- everything mentioned above is free!