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Send the Troops a Taste of Home!

Bomber-Girls-Cookie-DriveThe Bomber Girls LRC is an all women riding club from Savannah, Georgia, who sends packages to the troops overseas four times a year. Help them out and support our troops by participating in the upcoming cookie drive!

Bring a dozen or more homemade cookies to the VFW Post #2511 in Chesterton no later than Saturday, January 21, 2012. Please pack them in gallon zip lock bags with the quantity marked on the bag, which will make them easier to count, and put one slice of white bread inside the bag, to keep the cookies fresh for their long journey overseas!

We participated last year and sent 13,512 cookies to the troops! We are grateful for the participation and welcome your continued support!

The Chesterton VFW Post is located at 1290 Wagner Rd.

For more information regarding your cookie donations, call Brenda at 219.242.0911. For more information on the Bomber Girls, LRC, visit www.BomberGirlsLRC.com or email info@BomberGirlsLRC.com.