Home»Community»Serving»Runs for Ronnie Benefit Day Held at Portage Little League Complex

Runs for Ronnie Benefit Day Held at Portage Little League Complex

A full day of events was held at the Portage Little League Complex on Sunday as a group of generous volunteers and contributors raised money for the Ronnie Wilkins Medical Fund. All of the money raised goes toward assisting the family of Jones Elementary fifth grader Ronnie Wilkins, who underwent a bone marrow transplant in April after being diagnosed with Leukemia. 

A wide variety of events were scattered across the complex throughout the day.  The event took a great deal of planning by many individuals, including organizers Brian and Kristine Gerike.

“It’s been a long process, we started in January, when we were approached and they asked us to get a game together for Ronnie and then Portage Little League came in and said, ‘Let’s make it the biggest event we can.’  We’ve had some great parents who have helped us and the Tribe teams have come out to play,Kristine Gerike said.

There was an extremely large turnout as members of the community made contributions to Ronnie’s cause.  There was a home run derby, a dunk tank, raffles, silent auction items, a bake sale, 50/50 drawings and food on sale with all proceeds benefiting the Wilkins Medical Fund.

“The turnout’s been awesome so far, the weather’s been good, we couldn’t ask for a better day and we’re just happy the community came out to support this great event,” Brian Gerike said.

The dunk tank was one of the most popular attractions as Gerike, Fegely Middle School principal Phil Misecko, PHS football coach Josh Sabinas, Ronnie’s teacher Julie Whitten, Portage Little League board member Mark Newcomb, PLL president Dave Fravel, Willowcreek Middle School teacher Nick Wellman and Ken Elwood were all among the people that volunteered to be dunked.  Many attendees lined up for the chance to send those people plummeting into the ice-cold water.

Many members of the Portage varsity baseball team and other current and former PHS students competed on the t-ball field in a wiffleball tournament, dubbed Ronnie’s Wiffleball Classic.  Various age groups of the Tribe travel ball system played games on the minor, major and junior fields. 

Those that attended the benefit day had the chance to support a great cause, enjoy the beautiful weather, catch some baseball and have a good time. 

“We’ve had a lot of parents come out, a lot of businesses in the community have helped donate stuff,” Kirstine Gerike said.  “It’s been a long process, but it’s come together very nicely.  It’s very nice to see the community here.  Portage has been terrific for the Wilkins.  We love this community.”

Click here for a full photo gallery from the event!