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RSVP Counselors Offer Guidance on Medicare Plans

pcacsRetired and Senior Volunteer Program counselors will provide direction on the 2012 Medicare plans during the open enrollment period, beginning Oct. 15 and ending Dec. 7.

Seven State Health Insurance Assistance Program volunteers have been trained and certified by the Indiana Department of Insurance and will be available by appointment to meet clients during this timeframe. Scheduled meetings will take place at the RSVP office in Porter County Aging and Community Services, 1005 Campbell St. in Valparaiso, and at locations in Portage.

“Our volunteers assist clients with questions on the various Medicare plans and also can assist clients with enrolling in the various programs,” said Joyce Bolin, Porter County director of RSVP. “Our counselors offer seminars, workshops and individual counseling sessions throughout the year.”

Bolin said the details on the various plans are available in the Medicare and You 2012 guide and at www.medicare.gov. SHIP volunteers can also explain the key points of each plan. Clients enroll or change their plans through the various insurance companies that have been approved by the Indiana Department of Insurance.

“In previous years, the open enrollment period was Nov. 15 to Dec. 31,” Bolin said. “We have been trying to get this information out to those who would like to make a change, since this is the only time they will be able to.”

To schedule an appointment with a SHIP counselor, contact the RSVP office at 464-1028.

The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program of Porter County connects individuals 55 and older with volunteer opportunities in schools, libraries, nursing homes and various not-for-profit organizations across the county. The program is an avenue for volunteers to utilize their life experiences and skill sets to help fulfill important needs within the community.

For more information, contact RSVP at 464-1028.

Porter County Aging and Community Services is a sponsoring agent for RSVP of Porter County, providing office space and some financial assistance. PCACS’ mission is to extend a helping hand to seniors, those who are disabled and low-income residents by providing services to improve their quality of life, including transportation, nutrition programs, energy assistance and activity centers.

For more information, contact PCACS at 464-9736.