Rhame Elwood & McClure advises: develop relationship with a local trusted advisor sooner rather than later

Rhame Elwood & McClure advises: develop relationship with a local trusted advisor sooner rather than later
By: Kali Beatty, Stacey Kellogg Last Updated: May 28, 2020

Law is complex, in any case. But in a rapidly-changing situation where guidelines and legal ramifications are shifting constantly - like during a global pandemic - that complexity multiplies beyond measure. Ken Elwood, law firm partner at Rhame Elwood & McClure in Portage, says having local, trusted advisors by your side in both good and challenging times can make all the difference in the success of your personal or business ventures. Chris Mahlmann, Founder of GreatNews.Life, concurred. He sat down with Elwood to gain insights on the value of developing relationships with local experts such as attorneys and accountants, with detailed examples of how Eldwood's firm has adapted to support businesses and individuals in the community during one of the most challenging times any of us will ever see.

Rhame Elwood & McClure | Why businesses should have a local attorney

The best time to secure trusted advisors is when you don't really need them. But even with that, the best advisors will help you whenever the need arises. Ken Elwood,  law firm partner at Rhame Elwood & McClure, sat with GreatNews.Life founder Chris Mahlmann to provide insight on the benefits of businesses of any size having local, trusted advisors, such as attorneys and accountants, to guide them through both normal and challenging times. The key, he said: reach out and develop that relationship now, so when you need your attorney most, you have someone at your side.

Rhame Elwood & McClure | Why individuals should have a local attorney

A solid relationship with a trusted local attorney can relieve the stress that may come from navigating complex legal matters. And the best attorneys are the ones who rely on that personal connection to help clients succeed. Ken Elwood, law firm partner at Rhame Elwood & McClure, sat with GreatNews.Life founder Chris Mahlmann to share candid insights on the best approaches people should take to secure a trusted local advisor. He reviews how firms like his are working non-stop to stay current on complex matters so clients can focus on taking care of themselves and their families in times of need.