
Pastors come and go in churches- normal church going people have probably had many people they have called pastor in their lifetime. It goes with the territory. The position of pastor has a level of respect from those that attend a church or religous people. Ever since I was a youth pastor straight out of college I didn't want to be called pastor. It wasn't so much that I wanted to disrespect the position rather I didn't want people to think of me any different than them. I didn't want to be the paid professional. There was something that never sat right with me and I have never been able to quite put a finger on it. I didn't want to be viewed as someone to respect just because I was in the position.

When asked what to be called I would and still say just Ben.

Recently I was on jury duty and one of the lawyers asked if I wanted to be addressed as pastor. I said I didn't. Maybe my view of heirarcy in the church is different and respect in my mind has to be earned and it does not always come from schooling, or knowledge. but being called pastor has never been important to me.

That is until late. With all my relationships and interactions with so many diverse people from the community- my thought on being called pastor has changed. I hardly ever introduce myself as pastor or any of the such, but I am not hesitant to share that I work in a church.

This past week I was sitting in a court room waiting for a man to change his plea from innocent to guilty. His plea agreement would mean he would recieve a 12 year prison sentence. He has recently come to Christ. As he walked through the court room he looked at me and his face brightened as he said "Pastor Ben."

I was on the phone this morning with man not involved with my church but a man who has struggled with life and substance abuse. He has come upon some rough times- at the end of our conversation he said "man I just love you Pastor Ben."

Yesterday I met up with a former kid who use to be in a band that played in shows we use to have at real life. I would call him a former youth group kid but he wasn't and still isn't a card carrying church member. He had rough edges then and still does. When I first met him he hated church and God. when I saw him yesterday he gave me a big hug and said "Pastor Ben I missed you."

All of these situations are people who have not had that much involvement with church if any. There isn't a position they are showing respect for but rather a person. These comments from these people have meaning. I never have nor wouldn't insists on any of these people calling me this. But yet there is a respect that has come from our relationships that has drawn them to call me this.

In all honesty these are the people I want to view me as their pastor- no they probably won't end up being the model church members but in their own way they are following Jesus and I get the priviledge to speak into their lives but not because of a title.