Don't forget to register for Purdue North Central's 10th annual 5k run/walk & 10k run. The sponsors for this year's race include Santo Sports Store, The Extra Mile Fitness Company, Cavanaugh & Nondorf Orthodontics and UGN, Inc.
This year's race is on Saturday, November 2, 2013 at Purdue University North Central. Race-Day Registration and Packet Pick-Up begins at 7:30 a.m. in the LSF Building. The 5K Run/Walk & 10K Run kicks off at 9 a.m. and is followed by an Awards Ceremony for 5K (10K awards ceremony upon completion) at 10:00 a.m.
The pre-registration deadline is October 25, 2013 and the fee is $20. if pre-registered by this date (includes event t-shirt). Those that register on the day of the race will also pay $20 (t-shirt not included). There will be a discounted rate of $15 for groups of 5 or more runners/walkers and families of three or more pre- registering together (t-shirt included if pre-register deadline is met). All members of the Calumet Region Striders will also receive an extra $1 off their race fee.
Online registration for the Panther Pounce 5k/10k is available. Click on the link to get started!
Contact Race Director, Tom Albano (219) 785-5273, or Race Coordinator, Shane Prance (219) 785-5660, with any questions.