Home»Health»Mental Health»Regional Health Systems holds ribbon cutting for innovative Crisis C.A.R.E. Unit at Merrillville location

Regional Health Systems holds ribbon cutting for innovative Crisis C.A.R.E. Unit at Merrillville location

Regional Health Systems holds ribbon cutting for innovative Crisis C.A.R.E. Unit at Merrillville location

On Tuesday July 16, Regional Health Systems, a Regional Care Group Member, hosted a ribbon cutting for the new Crisis C.A.R.E. Unit at their Merrillville Care Center location. The Crisis C.A.R.E. Unit, which has been in the works for over a year and a half, is a facility that will provide individuals experiencing a mental health crisis with immediate care and support. Additionally, the staff is available to assist in crisis 24/7 since the emergency number is always staffed and open.

Regional Health Systems Crisis CARE Unit Ribbon Cutting 2024

Regional Health Systems Crisis CARE Unit Ribbon Cutting 2024 35 Photos
Regional Health Systems Crisis CARE Unit Ribbon Cutting 2024Regional Health Systems Crisis CARE Unit Ribbon Cutting 2024Regional Health Systems Crisis CARE Unit Ribbon Cutting 2024Regional Health Systems Crisis CARE Unit Ribbon Cutting 2024

Regional Care Group board members, staff members, and representatives from a wide variety of organizations were in attendance at the ribbon cutting. After the main event, attendees walked through the brand-new facility, learning about its features and the various services it will offer. Colorful finger foods were served after the event, including both ham and crab mini sandwiches as well as an array of sweet treats. Dr. William Trowbridge, CEO of Regional Care Group, predicts that the Crisis C.A.R.E. Unit will revolutionize mental health care in the Region.

“The Crisis C.A.R.E. Unit will completely change the way that we view access to care,” Trowbridge said. “Instead of making a phone call and scheduling a future appointment, someone who is experiencing a crisis can get immediate care. It will function much as an urgent care facility would, except it will cater to clients experiencing mental health crises. Clients can receive treatment at this facility no matter the crisis they are experiencing. Whether they’ve been fired, were divorced, or are experiencing a serious mental health crisis, they can come here and see someone at that moment. I’m excited to be here on the ground floor of something that will completely change the landscape of mental health in our community.”

The Crisis C.A.R.E. Unit is based on a living room design and features partitioned seating areas, a television, comfortable couches, and a restroom with a shower. The Crisis C.A.R.E. Unit has partnered with local first responders so that the facility can send a staff member to assist on a call involving an individual experiencing a mental health crisis. Angela Comsa, chief clinical officer and vice president of community mental health services, looks forward to seeing the Crisis C.A.R.E. Unit in action, as it will help Regional Health System’s mental health providers address mental health crises much more effectively.

“As a clinician, I work closely with people in the community, and, in some cases, it’s difficult to decide where to place the client,” Comsa said. “You don't want to take them to the hospital because they don't necessarily need that level of care. You also don't want to call the police to have them taken to jail, which is often the only option that people feel is open to them. I'm very excited that we now have the Crisis C.A.R.E. Unit, a nice, warm, and welcoming place where people can come in, talk to somebody, and receive the support they need without feeling stigmatized for doing so. We’ll also offer clients who come to the facility appointments so we can follow up with them after their visit, thus making sure that we have a lasting positive effect on their lives.” 

Jose Diaz, regional director for Indiana State Senator Todd Young, feels that the Crisis C.A.R.E. Unit represents some of the best aspects of the Region.

“Mental health is such an important aspect of an individual's overall well-being,” Diaz said. “I hope that the opening of the Crisis C.A.R.E. Unit will inspire community members to lend their support to mental health care organizations so that the residents of the Region who are in need of treatment may receive it. The more we establish innovative facilities such as the Crisis C.A.R.E. Unit in our area, the better. The fact that so many community leaders came out to the ribbon cutting today is a credit to the Northwest Indiana community and a testament to its commitment to supporting beneficial resources like this facility.”

You can learn more about the Crisis C.A.R.E. Unit and the other resources offered by Regional Health Systems by visiting rhs.care. Please visit regionalgroup.care to learn more about the services that Regional Care Group offers.