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Reduce, Re-Use, Recycle

The City of Portage would like to invite all residents to participate in our curbside recycling program. recycle-greenWe offer this service free of charge and will provide you with 2 recycling containers: you will have 2 pick-ups per month.

The items we recycle are as follows:

Newspaper & Non-Corrugated Cardboard
Please remove plastic sleeve from newspapers. We do not take magazines or phone books.

Corrugated Cardboard
Please make sure all boxes are broken down and placed by recycling bins.

Glass Bottles
We accept Brown, Green, and Clear Glass. Please remove all lids. We do not take frosted or window glass, Pyrex, ceramics or painted glass.

Plastic Bottles
We accept #1 and #2 Plastic. Please remove caps and labels from bottles. #1: Clear, green and blue shiny bottle. #2: Milk jugs, laundry detergent, fabric softener, liquid bleach, skin lotion, bubble bath.

Aluminum Cans
We accept all aluminum cans, also clean aluminum such as pots, pans, frozen food containers and aluminum foil.

Vegetable, fruit or pet cans. Please rinse or wash.

If you are interested in participating in our Recycling Program please call our office between the hours of 7 am and 3 pm at 762.4564. city_of_portageWe will be happy to answer any questions you may have and drop bins off at your home.

Recycling 1 aluminum can saves enough energy to run a TV for 3 hours. To produce each week's Sunday newspaper, 500,000 trees are cut down. Every month we throw away enough recyclable glass bottles to fill up a giant skyscraper. Americans throw away 25,000,000 plastic beverage bottles every hour.