Valparaiso, IN – As uncertainties remain with increase in COVID cases the Recycling & Waste Reduction District of Porter County is offering both virtual and video format education programs in addition to in-person classroom visits to K-8 students across Porter County.
The Recycling & Waste Reduction District offers eleven in person programs, five video programs and various virtual lessons to classes.
“The District features an Indiana licensed teacher who leads several education programs for students in classrooms across Porter County,” said Keri Marrs Barron, Executive Director of Porter County Recycling & Waste Reduction District.
Miss Allison, the District’s lead educator has recreated the top five requested classroom presentations in video format. Videos include Wonderful Worms, Dunes in My Backyard, Water Watchers, Lesson of the Lorax, and Reduce, Reuse, Recycle & Rethink. Each of the programs feature specific themes and environmental takeaways for students.
Teachers can also request live Q & A sessions through Google Meet or Zoom as an optional follow up to a video program.
“Flexibility is key. I’m actively engaging and connecting with students in classrooms and virtually at this time,” said Allison Andersen, Outreach Educator of Porter County Recycling & Waste Reduction District.
“If teachers have questions or are looking for environmental education programming for students feel free to contact me at my email address,,” said Allison Andersen, Outreach Educator of Porter County Recycling & Waste Reduction District.
For more information on educational programming, and acceptable recycling items contact the Recycling & Waste Reduction District of Porter County at (219) 510-1124 or visit