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RDA Sets New Date for Second Public Hearing on Transit Development District Boundaries

RDA Sets New Date for Second Public Hearing on Transit Development District Boundaries

The Board of Directors of the Northwest Indiana Regional Development Authority (RDA) will hold the second of two public hearings on establishing the boundaries of seven Transit Development Districts (TDDs) beginning at 10 a.m. on August 11, 2022, at the Purdue Tech Center at 9800 Connecticut Dr., Crown Point, IN 46307.

The TDD boundaries scheduled for consideration are the Munster/Dyer Main Street boundary; the Munster Ridge Road boundary; the Hammond Gateway Downtown boundary; the East Chicago boundary; the Gary Miller boundary; the Portage/Ogden Dunes boundary; and the Michigan City boundary.

The Board will review and accept public comment on each boundary during the hearing. The hearing will be simultaneously broadcast via Zoom to allow comments from those who cannot attend, or do not feel comfortable attending, in person. Virtual participants may register at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIpcO2urzopHdeu5S6GbKD81DheWxejTrdz. After registering, they will receive a confirmation email with information about joining the hearing. Comments may also be submitted via email to dwellman@rda.in.gov, or mailed to the RDA at the address above.

Materials related to the boundaries are available for examination at the RDA’s offices or at https://www.in.gov/rda/documents/. For more information on TDDs, visitwww.nwitdd.com.