Home»Other»Random Picture Series for April 23rd

Random Picture Series for April 23rd

Every so often as I’m browsing my Google Reader, I come across interesting pictures. Today, I will share some with you.

Now, I am a cupcake enthusiast. I love love looooooove cupcakes. Today I learned the best way to eat a cupcake. Observe.

My birthday is next month and now you all know what I want. I'll give you a hint...it's not a lens. Although I will take a lens as well.

For those of you who have iPhones and want a free upgrade to the iPad.

I love Frank Lloyd Wright. I especially love his house “Falling Water.” And I love Legos. Trifecta!

This is a nice picture of that volcano in Iceland, asdkf[d0-p[f;lh309gp0, and some cool lightning.

Strawberry and pineapple cross-breed!!!!!! It's called a pine-berry. Best. Fruit. Ever.

Famous artists….finger puppets! I must admit, I have the Dali one…and the doll…yeah. But I don’t have Andy Warhol…or Frida..

And lastly, a graph.