Rain barrels are an efficient, low-cost method for collecting rainwater. The rain barrels are placed at a downspout to capture rainwater to use for many purposes, like watering a garden, houseplants or washing your car. It also reduces pollution runoff by releasing the overflow into the ground rather than into the city storm sewers, to rivers and streams and then eventually (about one day) into Lake Michigan or (about two weeks) the Gulf of Mexico.
Attend our workshop and you will receive:
- Benefits and Uses of Rain Barrels
- Proper Location and Installation
- Answers to many FAQ's
- Benefits and Uses of Rain Barrels
- A Rain Barrel
Dates and Locations
- April 27 - Portage Lakefront Park
- May 3 - Valparaiso, Butterfield Family Pavilion
- May 11 - Porter, Hawthorne Park
- All workshops will be held 6:00 - 7:00 pm
- There is a $20 fee for presentation costs. Pre-registration and advance payment is required (Online registration and payment is available).
- To register visit: www.ItMeansTheWorld.org or call 219.465.3694. Payment must be received to reserve your spot. Each workshop is limited to 50 participants.
More information
This workshop is restricted to Porter County Residents only; one barrel per household!
- Brown or Terra Cotta Barrels will be available on a first come first serve basis
- Please attend the workshop in a vehicle large enough to bring home your new 50 gallon rain barrel!
Rain Barrels you will be receiving are a food grade barrel, previously used for transporting olives, pickles, etc. The barrels include:
- An overflow fitting at the top of the barrel for excess water to be rerouted to either another barrel or into your garden (with the help of a garden hose).
- A spigot to help control the flow while watering your garden.
- A mesh screen on the top of the barrel, to keep any debris and mosquitoes out of your stored water (there are several holes in the lid of the barrel to optimize the collection of rain water).
These same barrels can be found at online retailers for the average cost of $120.