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Purdue Press Releases 2nd Edition of Retirement Guide for Boomers

People often think about setting aside money for retirement, but how often do people plan for their happiness?

"When Every Day Is Saturday: The Retirement Guide for Boomers," by Purdue University professor emeritus Richard E. Grace, explains how adults can plan for a happy, meaningful retirement.

"We always hear about financial planning, but people should also think about what it will take to achieve happiness during their retirement years," says Grace, an emeritus professor of materials engineering and retired vice president from Purdue University.

The book is based on Grace's research with 700 retirees and includes comments and anecdotes from current retirees about their experiences. Based on his research, Grace created the Grace Retirement Inventory, which focuses on six central themes related to retirement: freedom and leisure; financial independence; separation from work; family and friends; health; and helping others. Readers evaluate their attitudes toward each of the themes in order to plan for their happiness in retirement.

The second and revised edition of the book was released by Purdue University Press in January. The book can be purchased for $15.95 and can be ordered directly from Purdue University Press at 1-800-247-6553 or online at www.thepress.purdue.edu